Need for sustainable mobility is permanently growing as cities are getting packed and air pollution is constantly increasing, whereas fossil energy is lacking and the prices rise. 

This is the time for efficient and easy to operate vehicles in Last Mile Logistics, suiting both environmental challenges and reliability demands in competitive market. 

We turned our passion into our profession and created a product that is 

TRULY sustainable: BUILT TO LAST! 

wisely engineered


safe and ergonomic


long range

Technical specifications


Doer 150/200

Doer 250/300

Interested? Stay in touch!

Why exactly choosing Metrucks for your fleet?

Special requirements?

Please contact us with your requirement. We are happy to get in touch with you and your ideas.

Latest news

Metrucks GmbH joins forces with Nijland Cycling B.V. and Cargo Cycling

METRUCKS GmbH is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Nijland Cycling B.V. and its subsidiary brand Cargo Cycling.
The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) confirms the commitment of all parties to work together on the production, distribution and service of the ground-breaking vehicle.

Meet Metrucks

This year METRUCKS is represented at two locations!

Meet our DOER at Eurobike